I look for constructive mechanism of physical existence in general - origination of space, time, matter and the universe on the whole. The theory is not physical, rather it's a philosophical discourse.

Origination of space

(The program of constructive romanticism)

Eugene Kornienko

This article about mechanism of existence was written in 1990 under my impression of achievements that modern physics does in studying of origination of the universe.

A philosophical notion as self-consistency of the universe leads to a physical model of space and time.

The self-consistency means that existence of every object is supported by some conditions that are in the universe . The universe is also an object, and it exists because there are needed conditions in the universe.

Actually the claim equals the tautology: nothing exists beyond all existing . All existing objects relate to each other and all they on the whole are named the universe .

There are other meanings of the notion "the universe". But let's speak not about words, but about the "all existing". This overall object may be called a self-supported object because "nothing exists beyond all existing". No "external" conditions are necessary for the object to exist. In other words, the cause and "explanation" of existence of a self-supported object is contained "within" the object, not in any other objects. So if our self-supported universe arises and exists, hence other self-supported objects must also arise and exist that is provided by their inner independent nature.

As the universe as the "other" self-supported objects are not watchable "from outside" because they are strictly close and don't have the "outside". Particularly they cannot interact to other objects. Nevertheless such objects must arise because that arising doesn't need any conditions. It follows from the fact that our universe is also a self-supported object and it does exist. Also no existing conditions may interfere the arising because it's impossible to interact to a self-supported object. How may such arising affect to existing objects?

Isolatedly arising self-supported objects aren't existing for other objects. Let's consider only such self-supported objects that are elements of related set of such objects. Logically a set of related elements is a space. It is not known what are these relations and how the space refers to the physical three-dimensional space. However all points of the space are somehow linked to all other points (and to the physical space) because isolated points don't belong to the "related set".

Arising of a new point (an element of the set) within spatial continuum doesn't make any consequences because the point doesn't interact with other points. The only "geometrical" place, where such arising might change existing space, is the boundary of the space.

Notice that every space may be considered as a sub-space in a greater space, say in a space of greater dimension. And if the encompassing space doesn't exist then every spatial point is the boundary point that is an initial point to increase the space.

So the arising of self-supported objects may appear as uncaused increasing of local "volume" or number of dimensions of existing space with simultaneous forming of spatial mertic. But the new points cannot exist even here because they don't interact. They change geometry of the boundary, then they instantly vanish (for existing objects, not for themselves).

Common sense objects but logic forces us to allow that "self-supported points" must arise, but they cannot exist. I want to show how and which uncaused change of space may follow from self-consistency of the universe. Don't panic, it's yet not our three-dimensional space!

So the space, that might be made of the self-supported elements, vanishes (cannot exist) because its elements don't interact to each other. But its self-interacting boundary remains. The boundary is less ephemeral space because it has properties - its dynamics depends on its current geometry .

I repeat that we consider some logical space that is only coming to exist. The space is almost not metrical, it's discontinuous in every point (rugous, looks like a fractal) and it doesn't possess properties like "velocity of propagation of disturbances". But the disturbances are. With they aren't weak but strong ones: the uncaused changes of local geometry . There is no mathematics to describe the process; and maybe it's impossible. But there are logical means for making of physical model. Firstly we see that by origin the space is absolutely statistically symmetrical.

Propagation of perturbations along the space smoothes initial chaos and somehow forms the symmetrical physical world. The perturbations themselves are disturbances of general symmetry. Space-time and Particles may be treated as the most stable perturbations (solitons) among infinite variety of primary perturbations. Combinations of these most stable disturbances create whole hierarchy of material world.

The physical space as well as quantum world inherit high symmetry of the primary space. Particularly they possess a property of recalibration because the initial space doesn't have a specific scale. And natural stochasticity of the prime-dynamics leads to quantum uncertainty.

In macroscopic world the quantum uncertainty is smoothed, too; and it seems that all things have their causes.


1990, Last Update 1999-03-05