Mechanisms of Consciousness and Existence
How do intellect and emotions work technically? Is it possible to explain the origin of physical space, time and nature? Today's science is close to resolution of the challenges!
If an entity feels well, its needs are satisfied, the state of its organism is normal, then it is able to memorize well what it senses and how it behaves. The very this is learning.
Nature of consciousness
Mechanism of Consciousness
What is mind and how can we create it? Main problem of self-learning is that the learning entity doesn't know what is it awarded or punished for. I suppose that biologically the problem is solved so. If an entity feels well, all its needs are satisfied, the state of its organism is normal, then it is able to memorize well what it senses and how it behaves. If the state of organism is getting worst then the ability to memorize is weaker. That is why conscious entity better memorizes the behavior, which leads to normal state of its organism.
Dangerously Intelligent
What do you think about a conscious tank? Not every designer wishes trace carefully his creature. Often the designer intentionally gives a freedom for, say, a computer virus. Generally, there are many things, we create, which are not fully controlled in principle. Our children, for instance, are. AI is the second example.
Consciousness and logic
Is it possible to check possessing of feelings? Material and ideal processes are not intersecting, nor reducing to each other. So the objective test on consciousness is impossible. In a better case indirect measurements may show some plausible (but not proved logically) connections between ideal and physical phenomena. Instead of objective test (a row of consistent measurements) we are forced to use subjective tests, which ultimately are merely the opinions .
- A self-learning butterfly
Program (, Code (
The idea of this program is explained in the article Mechanism of Consciousness. The butterfly gets a conditional reflex after many tries of moving in different directions and occasional touching a flower. An orientation in space develops in the butterfly, too.
There is no thing beyond existing things
Nature of existence
Origination of space
A search of mechanism of physical existence. I'm trying to understand the mechanism of existence in general, origination of space, time and matter. Why and how existence is possible in principle?
Why is existence possible?
Why does anything exist at all? I show a short explaining chain about initial reason of physical existence from a self-supported object to our self-supported universe.
Other hobbies - aquarium, photography, snorkeling
Self-learning is a sign of creativity.
Creativity is a sign of consciousness.
Consciousness is a motor for self-learning.
Consciousness invents behavior.
Intelligence uses symbols.
Mind invents symbols.